George Osborne is a magician – despite his record he’s seen as a success


‘George Osborne should be regarded as one of the worst chancellors in modern British history. When the Tories came to power in 2010, Osborne choked off the then gathering economic recovery with an emergency austerity budget. Indeed, the “recovery” under his “long-term economic plan” is the most sluggish since the 19th century.

GDP per capita remains lower than before Lehman Brothers imploded. Not since the Victorian era have workers’ pay packets flatlined for as long as they have under Osborne.

He promised to eliminate the deficit over the course of a single parliament, but didn’t manage half of it, which was what he ridiculed Labour for offering in 2010. His government pledged to start paying off the country’s debts, but he added more than every single Labour chancellor in history put together.’

Read more: George Osborne is a magician – despite his record he’s seen as a success

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