Greece: PM Tsipras Banishing Ministers Opposing Sellout to Creditors, Syriza Sharply Divided


‘Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis resigned after being pushed out – replaced by Euclid Tsakalotos.

After leaving, he said he’s no longer under “incredible pressure to negotiate for a position I find difficult to defend…”

He cited the “complete lack of any democratic scruples (displayed by) the supposed defenders of Europe’s democracy. (V)ery powerful figures look you in the eye and say ‘you’re right in what you’re saying, but we’re going to crunch you anyway.”

Paying dominant bankers and large creditors like Germany alone matters – no matter the pain and suffering inflicted on millions of Greeks helpless against the war on their well-being.’

Read more: Greece: PM Tsipras Banishing Ministers Opposing Sellout to Creditors, Syriza Sharply Divided

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