Greeks Laugh As Bankers Implore Depositors Return Money – ‘Banks Are Trustworthy’

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‘President of Greek Banks Association Louka Katseli appealed at the citizens to return their money to the banks. “Banks are absolutely trustworthy,” Katseli told Mega TV “as guaranteed by the ECB and the Bank Association, but they would have been even more powerful if 40 billion euros had not been withdrawn in the last months.

Katseli, a former PASOK Minister, appealed to citizens to return their deposits to the banks “now that the banks are open” after a three-week holiday and capital controls.

“Let’s all help our economy,” Katseli urged Greeks and added “If you take your money out of your chests and houses – which are not safe in any case – and deposit at banks, this will enhance liquidity.”

“There will be no need to “haircut” deposits in the future if we all act responsibly,” she added -cheerfully I suppose.’

Read more: Greeks Laugh As Bankers Implore Depositors Return Money – ‘Banks Are Trustworthy’

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