Guess who benefited from Obamacare?

According to Obamacare architect Johnathan “we passed Obamacare cause people are stupid” Gruber the big pharmaceutical companies where “major winners” from the bill. Gruber sent the following e-mail to a White House official:

“Pharma is going to be a huge winner from this bill — maybe $15 billion/year in incremental revenue. Any way to go after them harder for financing?”

While Gruber was suggesting Obamcare supporters “go after” PHARMA for financing for the effort to pass Obamacare, President Obama was publicly bashing PHARMA for…opposing Obamacare! And people wonder why I say politics  compares unfavorably to pro-wrestling.

As Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul pointed out, the influence of special interests  like PHARMA in both parties is one major obstacle to repealing Obamacare and replacing it with a true free-market system.

(hat/tip: Tim Carney).



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