How The Israeli Government Subverted The Solidarity Movement

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‘Two days ago, some invaluable information surfaced relating to the treacherous role of Jewish liberals in derailing the BDS campaign. A Ynet article disclosing the Israeli strategy relating to the pro Palestinian campaign disclosed the close links between the Israeli Government and the Jewish ‘pro’ Palestinian organizations. It revealed the manner in which both have been acting in concert to subvert this humanitarian discourse.

According to the Ynet article, Eran Shayshon, Director of Policy and Strategy at the Reut Institute*, had a clear message to his Israeli Government – we need to recruit left-wing groups associated with BDS to control our opposition. The mission set by Shayshon and the Reut Institute was: “to divide and drive a wedge between the leaders of the BDS campaign.”’

Read more: How The Israeli Government Subverted The Solidarity Movement

The post How The Israeli Government Subverted The Solidarity Movement appeared first on David Icke.

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