Inspired by Greece, UK Public Wants Its Own Austerity Referendum


‘The wave of joyous solidarity at the Greek “No” vote still resounds across the world today, revealing millions who identify with the struggle and have had enough of being bullied and controlled.

Whether it is Euro bullies, other governments or corporations, the sight of a country shaking its fist in a fight for the people while refusing to be blackmailed has brought a spark of much-needed hope worldwide.

Unlike Greece, Britain can always print more money—but deficit obsession, fear-mongering, and austerity fever still rule. As ordinary people suffer increasing hardship, the Tories have made no secret of their plans for another £12 billion of welfare cuts—due to bite harder this week as Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne unveils his emergency budget. Over the weekend, more pompous announcements revealed that higher earners will no longer be eligible for “subsidised” social housing and will be required to pay “market rates” instead.’

Read more: Inspired by Greece, UK Public Wants Its Own Austerity Referendum

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