Israelis ‘detained and then set free’ at Heathrow Airport


‘The British authorities detained a number of Israeli officials on their arrival at London’s Heathrow Airport earlier this week, it has been claimed by Israel’s Channel 2 TV. Those held included the former head of Israeli military intelligence, Major General Amos Yadlin, former Army Chiefs of Staff Danny Halotz and Gabi Ashkenazi, as well as ex-National Security Advisor Yaakov Amidror.

Channel 2 TV said that all were questioned briefly before being sent back to Israel. The station said that further details were not provided by Yadlin, so the situation remains unclear.

According to the channel, this was not the first time that Israeli officials have been arrested or threatened with arrest in Britain. It claimed that former Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz cancelled a trip to London, fearing that he would have been arrested on arrival in the UK.

Measures such as this, explained Channel 2, may well be related to war crimes charges filed against Israelis in international tribunals and the ICC.’


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