Jeremy Corbyn announces £10 billion plan to scrap university tuition fees


‘Jeremy Corbyn has set out a £10bn plan to scrap all tuition fees and restore student maintenance grants in his first major policy announcement.

Corbyn said the plan could be funded either by a 7% rise in national insurance for those earning over £50,000 a year and a 2.5% higher corporation tax, or by slowing the pace at which the deficit is reduced.

Corbyn said: “I want to apologise on behalf of the Labour party to the last generation of students for the imposition of fees, top-up fees and the replacement of grants with loans by previous Labour governments. I opposed those changes at the time – as did many others – and now we have an opportunity to change course.”

The move is also designed to strengthen the already strong support his campaign is gaining among younger Labour members.’

Read more: Jeremy Corbyn announces £10 billion plan to scrap university tuition fees

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