Michigan judge jailed children for refusing to see their father


‘In a divorce dispute taking an odd and ugly turn, three children were jailed for contempt of court after refusing a Michigan judge’s order to have a relationship with their father. The children, ages nine, 10 and 14, were locked up for about two weeks.

On Friday, however, Oakland County Family Court Judge Lisa Gorcyca released the children from the county juvenile detention facility and sent them to a summer camp, though it’s unclear exactly what will happen after that camp has concluded.

“The court agrees with the children’s guardian’s recommendation as to the best interests of the children,” Gorcyca said Friday, according to the Detroit Free Press. “The court finds that is in the children’s best interests to grant the father’s and the guardian ad litem’s motion to allow the children to attend summer camp. Children’s Village is to facilitate the transportation.”‘

Read more: Michigan judge jailed children for refusing to see their father

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