MSM finally admits Western diets lack nutrition and cause disease… a decade after independent media sounded the alarm

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‘The mainstream media and their high-paying pharmaceutical sponsors make it seem like disease is random, striking people without warning. In this way of thinking, people start to feel like helpless victims. They can quickly become scared and lose touch with their bodies and minds. They start lining up for routine medical checks and injections. Sometimes, fear-stricken patients end up submitting to barbaric medical practices like a mastectomy or hysterectomy. Yes, doctors now encourage women to anticipate cancer by cutting off and gutting out their healthy body parts!

Amidst all the fear, disinformation and unnecessary cutting, independent media and health education sites like NaturalNews and the Weston A. Price Foundation stand out, reminding the world that the disease process starts within the body and is connected to the under-utilization of important nutrients.’

Read more: MSM finally admits Western diets lack nutrition and cause disease… a decade after independent media sounded the alarm

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