NATO’s Australian Balistics Expert Dr Stephan Fruehling Proved to Be a Fake

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‘Out of the so called experts that have been repetitively used in western media to prove that ‘Russian Separatists’ shot down MH17 one of them has jumped out at me the so called ‘Australian Ballistics Expert’ Dr Stephan Fruehling from the SDSC at the Australian National University.

I remember Dr Fruehling from my time studying at the SDSC@ANU as a pimply faced, heavily accented nerd that had no idea about academic investigation who handed back assignments to students because they didn’t fit in the political agenda that eh was teaching. I wondered how he had suddenly become a world expert on ballistic missiles since my time studying there. The truth is he hadn’t but his statements were being used as ‘proof’ in western media and the bloggosphere stooges like Bellingcat that ‘Russian Separatists’ had ruthlessly shot down a civilian airliner killing 298 innocent civilians.’

Read more: NATO’s Australian Balistics Expert Dr Stephan Fruehling Proved to Be a Fake

The post NATO’s Australian Balistics Expert Dr Stephan Fruehling Proved to Be a Fake appeared first on David Icke.

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