Obama Administration Finds New Way to Let Criminal Banks Avoid Consequences

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‘Three top Democrats are accusing the Department of Housing and Urban Development of quietly removing a key clause in its requirements for taxpayer-guaranteed mortgage insurance in order to spare two banks recently convicted of federal crimes from being frozen out of the lucrative market.

HUD’s action is the latest in a series of steps by federal agencies to eliminate real-world consequences for serial financial felons, even as the Obama administration has touted its efforts to hold banks accountable.

In this sense, the guilty plea has become as meaningless to banks as their other ways of resolving criminal charges: out-of-court settlements, or deferred prosecution agreements. “Too Big to Fail” has morphed into “Too Big to Jail” — and then again, into “Bank Lives Matter.”’

Read more: Obama Administration Finds New Way to Let Criminal Banks Avoid Consequences

The post Obama Administration Finds New Way to Let Criminal Banks Avoid Consequences appeared first on David Icke.

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