Priorities: Greeks Rush to Buy Laptops and Games Consoles in Anticipation of Economic Collapse


‘Tech-savvy Greeks are buying expensive items like Macbook laptops and Playstation games consoles in preparation for a potential barter economy, as it is perceived the gadgets will retain their value, irrespective of economic collapse or currency change.

Bloomberg reports Greeks are rushing to use credit and debit cards to make large purchases that could potentially be sold on for hard cash later on, as currency controls have meant the supply of Euros is limited, and they fear the government will soon suspend card transactions as well. One shop assistant who asked not to be named told Bloomberg: “People are spending the money they have in the bank because otherwise they’re afraid they won’t get it out. A Mac is something that keeps its value”.’

Read more: Priorities: Greeks Rush to Buy Laptops and Games Consoles in Anticipation of Economic Collapse

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