Showdown Moment for British Monarchy and Obama

In his regular weekly dialogue with members of his Policy Committee on Monday, Lyndon LaRouche pointed to the events of July 13, when a single question, posed to Hillary Clinton, altered the course of American politics.  Hillary Clinton’s failure to answer a simple question about whether or not she supported the reinstating of Glass-Steagall, created a political firestorm, which has not yet subsided, and has further put the Glass Steagall issue in the center of the 2016 presidential campaign.

LaRouche told colleagues in the publicly aired discussion that “one minute” altered the course of the U.S. presidential race.  “History is shaped by interruptions,” LaRouche explained, like the insertion of the Glass-Steagall issue into Hillary Clinton’s New School appearance.  LaRouche went on to explain that “a sane society requires such creative interruptions.”

Another relevant instance of such “creative interruptions” is the scandal that erupted on Saturday, July 18, with the publication of a simple video of a 7-year old Princess Elizabeth, now Queen Elizabeth II, doing a Heil Hitler salute, under the watchful eyes of her uncle, (the man who would become King Edward VIII and later the Duke of Windsor), her mother, and her father, the later King George VI.  The home movie footage, lasting all of 17 seconds, has triggered an international firestorm of coverage of the British Royals’ love affair with Adolf Hitler, throughout the 1930s.  On July 30, British TV Channel 4 will air a documentary of Royal Consort Prince Philip’s own deep Nazi ties (his three sisters all married top Nazi Party officials and SS officers).

Prince Philip has never abandoned the Nazi policies of mass population genocide, and to this day, he promotes the idea that the human population should be reduced from seven billion people down to one billion.  Suddenly, the very future of the British Monarchy is in doubt, at the precise moment that they are promoting a showdown confrontation between the United States and Russia, using their control over President Barack Obama as their key tool in promoting a war that could rapidly lead to a thermonuclear war of extinction.

Ukraine is the spark for provoking just such a war, and it is no coincidence that Ukraine is dominated by outright Nazis, offspring of the Banderist pro-Hitler forces who slaughtered Ukrainian, Russian and Polish citizens for the Third Reich during the Eastern Front campaign of the Second World War.  Not only does the Kiev government refuse to abide by the Minsk II accords; Right Sector killers are now manning border crossings in western Ukraine to Transdniestria, blocking the flow of supplies to Russian peace-keepers there.

A Nazi trigger for war with Russia is in place, so long as the British Monarchy remains in power and President Barack Obama remains in office in Washington.

The eruption of scandals that can bring down the House of Windsor and their Barack Obama is occurring at this moment because the survival of the human race is on the table, and not everyone is so insane as to march, like lemmings, into that fire.

As LaRouche emphasized to his colleagues, this is how history is actually determined.  Human willful intervention can alter events on a moment’s notice.

Glass-Steagall in the United States is another option for bringing down London, the British Crown, Wall Street and Obama.

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