South Carolina judge extends order sealing church massacre documents

Dylann Roof (R), the 21-year-old man charged with murdering nine worshippers at a historic black church in Charleston last month, is helped to his chair by chief public defender Ashley Pennington during a hearing at the Judicial Center in Charleston

‘A South Carolina judge on Thursday extended for another week a temporary order sealing court documents and silencing lawyers and others involved in the case of the slayings of nine people at a historic black church in Charleston last month.

Ninth Circuit Judge J.C. Nicholson cited concern about “any graphic pictures of the victims dead on the floor of the church or 911 calls that might have recorded the sounds of victims.”

Suspected gunman Dylann Roof sat quietly in a gray striped prison suit and shackles next to a public defender during a 30-minute hearing in which the judge set July 11, 2016, for the start of the trial.’

Read more: South Carolina judge extends order sealing church massacre documents

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