Ten Years On, the Undeniable, Growing Power of the BDS Movement


‘Ten years after Palestinian civil society issued the call for Boycott, Divestment from, and Sanction of Israel (BDS), people around the world have taken heed, building an international campaign for human rights that is acknowledged by supporters and foes alike as an increasingly powerful force.

“Effective grassroots BDS campaigning has forced some of the world’s largest corporations, including Orange, G4S and Veolia, to gradually withdraw from Israeli projects that violate international law,” reads a statement released this week by the Palestinian BDS National Committee, comprised of 27 Palestinian organizations, including the General Union of Palestinian Women and Federation of Independent Trade Unions.’

“From major U.S. churches to private European banks, divestment from Israel is becoming acceptable and understood as necessary to bring about freedom, justice and equality,” the statement continues. “In Latin America, major state contracts with Israel companies have collapsed after grassroots pressure.”

Read more: Ten Years On, the Undeniable, Growing Power of the BDS Movement

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