Texas Clinics Turning Away Unvaccinated Children


‘A network of clinics in Texas has issued new guidelines asserting their facilities will no longer take children as patients if they have not been vaccinated.

Austin Regional Clinic, the largest healthcare provider network in the Central Texas region serving close to half a million residents, announced today they will begin prohibiting children who are not up to date on vaccine requirements from being seen by doctors starting tomorrow.

“The physicians and staff at Austin Regional Clinic support immunizations,” a statement on the ARC site says. “If you plan not to immunize your child, we prefer that you choose another practice. We do not want to place the rest of our patients at risk of contracting vaccine-preventable illnesses.”’

Read more: Texas Clinics Turning Away Unvaccinated Children

The post Texas Clinics Turning Away Unvaccinated Children appeared first on David Icke.

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