The Amazing Implosion of Ukraine’s PM Yatsenyuk


‘A new round of polling by the professional and usually reliable Kiev International Institute of Sociology is just out. It reveals something which is at the same time expected and extraordinary. – The support for the major party of the governing coalition has shrunk to a pitiful 2.8%.

Where in the first parliamentary elections in post-Maidan Ukraine held last year in October Yatsenyuk’s People’s Front received 22% of all the votes cast – polling shows that just nine months later the party only retains a fraction of that.

If elections were held today the party would actually fail to clear the 5% census required to take seats in the assembly.’

Read more: The Amazing Implosion of Ukraine’s PM Yatsenyuk

The post The Amazing Implosion of Ukraine’s PM Yatsenyuk appeared first on David Icke.

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