The Conservative Party has just introduced thought policing to the UK


‘Yet elsewhere in the speech, a mere few breaths after talking about Britain’s beacon status, Cameron showed just how cavalier he is about freedom of speech — surely the most important values in any society that considers itself enlightened.

He said he would give Ofcom more powers to tackle foreign TV channels that promote hateful messages. He had a go at the media for giving a platform to extremist Muslim voices, which sounded to me like pressure from the very top of the political sphere to get the media to “no platform” undesirable people.

But worst of all, he set out his government’s commitment to tackling what he called “non-violent extremism” — that is, people who don’t promote or partake in violence but who simply have ugly beliefs.

He said his government will “tackle” all those who “may not advocate violence but [who]do promote other parts of the extremist narrative”.’

Read more: The Conservative Party has just introduced thought policing to the UK

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