The Middle-Age Man Spread

Female A-listers have long been the target of beach-lurking paparazzi, hoping to get a less than flattering bikini shot. So this week it made a change to see pictures of former England rugby player Ben Cohen emerging from the Miami surf this week under headlines that included,‘Beefy Ben shows off his portly physique’.

The 36-year-old Strictly Come Dancing star is currently on holiday in the Florida resort with fashion designers Julien Macdonald and Melissa Obadash. Before the pictures were published, Ben was boasting about his workouts with swimwear designer Melissa.

Presumably upon seeing the photographs of his new portlier frame he then tweeted.

Or maybe Ben is getting a ‘Boomer Belly’ – a term many used to describe the onset of mid-life spread that can creep up on men from their mid thirties onwards. ‘During your twenties men naturally have great adrenaline, testosterone and stamina,’ says trainer Matt Roberts, who trains David and Samantha Cameron (

As a man approaches his forties certain things happen in the body like a slowing metabolism and reduced elasticity in the ligaments. All male body types are prone to this in later life. However, there are plenty of things men can do slow this process down. 40-year-olds like David Beckham are proof that if you keep your exercise consistent and varied, you don’t have to suddenly see yourself described as portly once passed a certain age.

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