The People ‘Possessed’ By Computers


‘Sophia Ben-Achour looks like a typical London student. She has short, brown hair, dancing eyes and a wide smile. We talk about the weather, music, and her life teaching English to foreign students. You would never believe her mind is being controlled by a bunch of processors more than 200 miles away.

Being possessed by a computer isn’t too disconcerting, she later tells me. “Today was the first time I thought, ‘Eugh, I’m just a body and nothing else’.”

To be technical, Sophia is an “echoborg” – a living, breathing person who has temporarily given themselves over to become a robot’s mouthpiece. Whatever she says originated in a chatbot across the internet, and is then fed to her through a small earpiece.’

Read more: The People ‘Possessed’ By Computers

The post The People ‘Possessed’ By Computers appeared first on David Icke.

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