Tsipras Begins Brussels Campaign to Keep Greece Inside the Euro

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‘Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is in Brussels for what could be a last chance to secure a rescue from European leaders and keep his country in the euro.

After German Chancellor Angela Merkel said “time is running out” for Greece to come up with a plan, finance ministers gathered for talks with division remaining over what they were willing to accept. Leaders are then scheduled to convene at 6:30 p.m. Brussels time.

Europe’s most indebted country is closer than ever to an exit from the euro zone, with banks low on cash and creditor nations led by Germany running even lower on patience. Without significant new funds from the European Central Bank, Greek lenders — already shuttered since June 26 — will have to remain closed indefinitely, strangling the country’s economy.’

Read more: Tsipras Begins Brussels Campaign to Keep Greece Inside the Euro

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