UK defence secretary admits flouting parliamentary ban on military involvement in Syrian war

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‘It should have been an occasion of high political drama of national import. Defence Secretary Michael Fallon had been forced to answer opposition MPs for the government covertly signing off on British pilots taking part in US and Canadian air raids in Syria—in naked defiance of not one but two parliamentary votes.

Instead Fallon was not only able to dismiss criticism from those he had concealed this from, but used the occasion to proclaim the government’s intention to revisit the issue of UK military operations in Syria as early as September.

Last week a Freedom of Information request by the human rights group Reprieve forced the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to admit that British personnel, embedded with US, Canadian and other coalition forces, had been “authorised to deploy with their units to participate in coalition operations” against Islamic State/ISIL/ISIS/Daesh in Syria.’

Read more: UK defence secretary admits flouting parliamentary ban on military involvement in Syrian war

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