Video shows Israelis shot Palestinian boy in the back


‘A video released by Israel’s leading human rights group, B’Tselem, appears to corroborate eyewitness accounts that a Palestinian youth who was shot dead by a senior Israeli officer 10 days ago was fleeing at the time and not, as the army maintains, posing a danger to soldiers.

Colonel Yisrael Shomer, commander of the Binyamin Brigade in the occupied West Bank, is under military police investigation for the shooting in al-Ram, north of Jerusalem. It came after the youth, Mohammed Ali-Kosba, 17, threw a stone that smashed the windscreen of his vehicle. According to an army spokesman Lt-Col Peter Lerner, the officer and soldiers got out of the vehicle and opened fire only after “they sensed further danger”. Army officials said Colonel Shomer had carried out a procedure that permits shooting at a suspect’s legs in order to arrest him.’

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