We Can Only Dread What Hillary Clinton Is Hiding From Us This Time

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‘When it comes to Benghazi, it is clear that there is absolutely no transparency or cooperation from Hillary Clinton. Judicial Watch have requested two emails regarding the attack and its aftermath in a FOIA action, and it has now been revealed that neither have been provided to the House Select Committee, either by the State Department or by Hillary Clinton herself.

Of course, if the media brought to light any revelations that those emails put Hillary Clinton in the chain of authority for the false talking points, her presidential campaign would almost certainly suffer. As we are all well aware, she even used the “YouTube video hoax” with the families of those that lost their lives. Should those emails reveal a discussion about issues with the talking points and an agreement that false claims should be used, there could be a serious backlash that would well and truly change the tide of public opinion when it comes to selecting a presidential candidate. Only the revelation of those emails would prove whether or not that is the case.’

Read more: We Can Only Dread What Hillary Clinton Is Hiding From Us This Time

The post We Can Only Dread What Hillary Clinton Is Hiding From Us This Time appeared first on David Icke.

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