What Will Happen When Smart Meters Catch Fire on Natural Gas Line Meters?


‘An unbelievable exercise in stupidity, in my opinion, occurs with regard to Smart Meters (SMs). By now, I think most people know of their fire and explosion vulnerabilities due to the materials used and construction design, which really are not as safe as we are told.

That’s been proven by Canadian firefighter Brian Thiesen and electric utility company whistleblowers regarding many AMI SM brands. However, the most asinine part about SMs, I think, is this—at least in the PECO / Philadelphia, PA metropolitan area: The proximity to natural gas line meters of fire-and-explosion-prone electric AMI SMs. Since AMI SMs are known to arc, and being only a foot or two away from the incoming natural gas line and meter, what’s the potential for spectacular SM fires and/or explosions to both electric and natural gas meters?’

Read more: What Will Happen When Smart Meters Catch Fire on Natural Gas Line Meters?

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