Al-Qaeda’s Syria branch withdraws from frontline against ISIS

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‘Al-Nusra Front has withdrawn from frontline positions against Islamic State on the Turkish border, citing disapproval of a Turkish-US plan which only serves “Turkey’s national security” rather than the fight against Syrian President Bashar Assad.

A statement by the Al-Qaeda-linked group, dated Sunday, expressed discontent at a US-Turkey plan to drive Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) from the Syria-Turkey border, claiming the plan is only aimed at serving Ankara’s priorities.

Al-Nusra Front said that “facing this current scene,” its only option was to withdraw and leave the frontline positions with IS in the northern Aleppo countryside “for any fighting faction in these areas to take over,” as quoted by Reuters.’

Read more: Al-Qaeda’s Syria branch withdraws from frontline against ISIS

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