Are your organic foods being doused in fracking chemicals? Probably so, if they come from California

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‘A series of shocking new reports reveal that 45,000 acres of California crops are being irrigated with recycled fracking water, with some samples showing levels of petrochemicals higher than those found at oil spill sites.

Even more shocking, the practice of using recycled oil water on crops (which has become a lucrative side business for oil companies), has been taking place for 20 years but was seemingly undisclosed until recently.

Headquartered in San Ramon, California, Chevron is responsible for recycling the toxic fracking wastewater, which contains more than 200 chemicals including diesel, biocides and benzene, before selling it to farmers at a fraction of the cost of fresh water.’

Read more: Are your organic foods being doused in fracking chemicals? Probably so, if they come from California

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