‘Blunt impact projectiles’: New ‘less lethal’ ammunition marketed to police forces


‘Twenty-two police departments in the US and Canada are testing a new, “less lethal” form of ammunition strong enough to incapacitate someone without the harm vested in regular bullets. “Blunt impact projectiles” are likely to be used in protest scenarios.

Larger than rubber bullets, “blunt impact projectiles” (BIPs) come with silicon heads than expand and collapse upon impact, enabling “kinetic force to be applied to an increased body impact area. The impact covers a large surface area of nerve endings, creating increased pain while dispersing the inertia,” Security Devices International (SDI), a weapons technology company responsible for the product, says on its website.

Sixteen law enforcement agencies in the US and six in Canada have purchased BIPs, including SWAT units of the Los Angeles County and Sacramento County Sheriff’s Departments in California, and police departments in East Hartford, Connecticut; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; and Los Alamos, New Mexico, according to AP.’

Read more: ‘Blunt impact projectiles’: New ‘less lethal’ ammunition marketed to police forces

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