British expert says geostrategic aims outweigh human rights in Ukraine for UK


‘For Britain, geostrategic objectives outweigh human rights in Ukraine, British political analyst and publisher of Politics First magazine Marcus Papadopoulos told TASS on Wednesday.

“The conflict in Ukraine has claimed many civilian lives and has the potential to claim many, many more. However, Britain, while it claims to be a guardian of human rights, acts very differently in reality, as its close strategic relationship with Saudi Arabia demonstrates, for example,” Papadopoulos said. “In the case of Ukraine, the British government knows that by militarily supporting the Ukrainian army and paramilitary forces this will lead to the deaths of civilians in the Donbass. But that understanding is superseded by Britain’s overriding objective to secure Ukraine’s place in the West’s orbit for once and for all. For Britain, like with America, geostrategic objectives far outweigh human rights.”‘

Read more: British expert says geostrategic aims outweigh human rights in Ukraine for UK

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