Could Jeremy Corbyn save Britain from the wrecking crew?

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‘The comedians of the British political “establishment” are out in force desperately trying to block Jeremy Corbyn, who is streaking ahead in the Labour Party leadership race and leaving his rivals spluttering in total disarray.

War crimes loon Tony Blair has once more sounded off against him. Savour for a moment Blair’s pearls of wisdom…

…Perhaps he needs an appointment with an optician. The rest of us can see quite clearly that the Labour Party is already routed and virtually annihilated, especially here in Scotland, its moral compass swinging crazily and its members paralysed.

Then we had to endure Blair’s unpleasant spin-doctor, Alistair Campbell, a major player in Labour’s eventual demise, declaring on his blog that “the madness of flirting with the idea of Corbyn as leader has to stop… it frankly means ABC, Anyone But Corbyn.”

Or should that read BBC, Back in your Box Campbell?’

Read more: Could Jeremy Corbyn save Britain from the wrecking crew?

The post Could Jeremy Corbyn save Britain from the wrecking crew? appeared first on David Icke.

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