Gen. Flynn: Strategic Vision, Nuclear Power, Required To Stop War

Former Defense Intelligence Agency head, retired Gen. Michael Flynn’s Aug. 4 “Head to Head” interview with Al Jazerra’s Medhi Hasan, is not only explosive for his charge that the Obama administration made a “willful decision” to support jihadist groups forming an Islamic Caliphate.

In the interview, available on YouTube and being picked up now by more media, RT included, the outspoken general gave voice to the demand of a broader grouping of thoughtful U.S. military leaders, that the United States end its policy of war and more war, and come to an agreement with the nations of the Middle East, as a region, on an economic development strategy which alone can underpin peace.

General Flynn spoke with most passion in the sometimes contentious interview, when insisting that peace in the Middle East is “doable,” but it requires vision, strategy, imagination!

History will not be kind about the United States’ decision to go into Iraq in 2003, he said; looking back over 50, 60, 70 years, we’ve made a number of strategic mistakes which put fire on already burning embers. Something is wrong with our policy and our strategy when the number of terrorist groups listed on the State Department’s designated terror list has doubled between 2004 and 2014.

We’ve invested in more conflict, instead of solutions. We’re sending in more drones, more bombs, more guys going out to kill more guys. Dropping drones, “training 60 guys,” are tactical measures, narrow things which lead only to greater conflict, when there are strategic solutions for this region, centered on a change in the economic system in the entire Middle East.

What General Flynn put on the table as key to that change, is a regional framework for nuclear energy development, to allow, in particular, nuclear desalination. The Saudis, Jordan, Egypt, now Tunisia are signing nuclear accords with Russia, which is a nuclear developer, he pointed out. Nuclear energy is the most cost-effective form of desalination, key for creating the water the region needs, he specified. And while he remains opposed to the current P5+1 accord with Iran, and distrusts the Iranian leadership, he argues that Iran should be part of an overall regional accord premised on nuclear energy development which the P5+1 should be involved in creating.

General Flynn would have us think about the future we are trying to achieve for the next 10 years, 50 years, the next century. That is strategy. For ISIL and the jihadis to be defeated, nations must give their youth, particularly the young men who are 15-25 years old, something to do, he insists.

The interview concluded with the question: did the General plan to run for President?

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