Here’s The Newest Tool To Help You Fight The Surveillance State


‘Earlier this month, the Electronic Frontier Foundation launched a new project designed to help educate communities about the growing list of surveillance tools deployed against the unsuspecting public. The EFF calls the new project the Street-Level Surveillance Project (SLS), which it describes as “a Web portal loaded with comprehensive, easy-to-access information on police spying tools like license plate readers, biometric collection devices, and ‘Stingrays.’”

The EFF has been involved in the fight against surveillance for 25 years, but with a massive influx of military equipment and surveillance tools to local police departments, it has never been more important to be aware of the growing Surveillance State. EFF Senior Staff Attorney Jennifer Lynch says the project “provides a simple but in-depth look at how these surveillance technologies work, who makes and uses them, and what kind of data they are collecting. We hope that community groups, advocacy organizations, defense attorneys, and individuals all take advantage of the information we’ve gathered.”’

Read more: Here’s The Newest Tool To Help You Fight The Surveillance State

The post Here’s The Newest Tool To Help You Fight The Surveillance State appeared first on David Icke.

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