Hillary Clinton Must Pre-emptively Bring Obama Down—with the Truth about Benghazi

Since the Wednesday, July 29 release of the LaRouchePAC statement: “To Stop World War III, Hillary Must Oppose Obama’s Benghazi Lies,” the issue of Hillary Clinton, Obama, and Benghazi has begun to gain significant traction in the media, and in the Presidential campaign.

The climate is stirring, and there are several articles which appeared at the end of the week that make the point that Obama is making Clinton the scapegoat for the Benghazi travesty.

As Lyndon LaRouche has advised and warned, and as the LPAC press release states, with Congress out in recess, Obama must be reined in to prevent World War III.

Friday it was bluntly reported in the Washington Times that, because of Obama betrayal of her on Benghazi, “Hillary Clinton is not going to be the Democratic nominee for president.”  The author, Monica Crowley, is the online opinion editor of the publication, and the article is titled, “Is Obama Taking Hillary out?”  Crowley recounts the “bad blood” between the Clintons and the Obamas going back to the 2008 primary race. When Obama made Clinton the Secretary of State, it was to abide by the maxim, “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.”  Obama and Hillary do not trust each other, and Obama “wants the investigation [of Hillary for the email scandal], wants her nailed, wants her out.  And he’s doing it, slowly, steadily…. Hillary is being given the Judas kiss by her former boss, a man loyal to no one but himself.”  The article suggests that a Justice Department investigation, a long drawn-out special prosecutor investigation, or even an indictment could hit Clinton.

Hillary Clinton has no choice; she has to move pre-emptively against Obama using the truth about Benghazi, where Ambassador Chris Smith and three other Americans were murdered in a pre-meditated terrorist attack.

Key developments in the last 48 hours have exposed details of the crisis that Clinton faces and confirm more than ever that she must act now to stop Obama.

The Daily Caller reported on Thursday, July 30, that Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO, told supporters in a Thursday call that the Benghazi “punch” could have brought down Obama in 2012, but it “didn’t get thrown.”

Fiorina spoke the truth, saying, “We thought in 2012 that Benghazi was Obama’s Achilles heel … But the punch didn’t get thrown. We can’t count on the media to do this … And so the only way to make sure these questions are asked and answered is to have a nominee who will demand an answer.”

Now, Fiorina stressed, that same Benghazi can bring down Hillary Clinton, and she said that she won’t shy away from a “damaging issue … like the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attacks, while debating Hillary Clinton,” the Caller reported.

[It should be noted that Fiorina also stated at a public town hall meeting that she supports the release of the redacted 28 pages of the Congressional report on the 9/11 attack in 2001.]

The situation got even hotter on Thursday, when the Obama administration marked some of Clinton’s emails from her private account as classified.  These are a new batch of emails from the 30,000 that Clinton turned over to the State Department months ago, and were released according to a deadline in an FOIA case.

“The Obama Administration slapped a secret designation Friday on a number of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails … raising more questions about whether her controversial email arrangement led to classified information being left unsecured,” reported the Washington Times July 31.  The Washington Times specified that the classification did not necessarily exist when Clinton exchanged the emails while she was Secretary of State, but that fact is not blunting the damage that the issue is doing to her.

The well-respected McClatchy news service provided further details about the latest batch of emails, noting that information from five separate intelligence agencies, the NSA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (responsible for mapping), the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the CIA are contained in the emails. The McClatchy article says, “Revelations put Clinton in crosshairs of broadening inquiry into whether she mishandled classified information,” and that “State Department officials warned there could be hundreds of classified emails.” 

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