Islamic Jihad rejects Israel rocket fire claims


‘The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine has rejected Israel’s claims that the resistance movement fired rockets from the Syrian territory against the regime’s positions near the occupied Golan Heights.

On Friday, Muhammad al-Hind, a senior leader of the resistance movement, dismissed the Israeli allegations that the Islamic Jihad had used the Syrian territory to launch rocket attacks against Tel Aviv, saying the movement “resists on Palestinian lands.”

Hind also warned the Israeli regime against targeting the Islamic Jihad resistance fighters, saying that “the movement knows how to defend its sons.”

The remarks came a day after Tel Aviv’s warplanes bombed an area in the southwestern Syrian province of Quneitra, in retaliation for rocket attacks allegedly launched from the Syrian soil against northern Israel. The assault left one person dead and seven others wounded.’

Read more: Islamic Jihad rejects Israel rocket fire claims

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