Libya: Protests against Death Sentences for Saif and other Qaddafi Government Officials

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‘Tuesday, a Tripoli court under the not officially recognized government of Libya in Tripoli sentenced Saif al-Islam Qaddafi, Abdulah Senussi and seven other officials of the government that was ousted in 2011 to death. Numerous others received harsh sentences. The court’s verdict prompted protests in several districts of Libya.

The verdict and death sentences for Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi, the son of the ousted and murdered former head of State Muammar Qaddafi, Abdullah Senussi, and seven other members of his ousted regime were no surprise. Also sentenced to death were; former Prime Minister Al-Baghdadi Al-Mahmoudi; the former General-Secretary of the People’s Committee Abuzeid Dourda; the head of the ousted government’s internal intelligence agency Mansour Dhou; the head of internal security, Milad Daman; assistant to Abdullah Senussi, Abdulhamid Ohida; chargé for the Tripoli Revolutionary Committees, Awidat Ghandoor Noubi; and Mundar Mukhtar Ghaniami.’

Read more: Libya: Protests against Death Sentences for Saif and other Qaddafi Government Officials

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