Man arrested for shooting down drone in his private airspace for spying on his sunbathing daughter


‘I was sitting outside on my deck on a recent warm, summer evening when suddenly, I heard a buzzing noise overhead. I looked up and, in the distance, I could see an “object” bearing red and green lights hovering over my suburbia.

Faint at first, the buzz grew steadily as it approached my home. I watched the craft keenly, not immediately realizing that what I was witnessing the first known flight of a small drone in our neighborhood.

Initially, I was intrigued. I had written a great about the emergence of these drones – not the CIA’s massive Predator drones, but the smaller ones that are increasingly being utilized by local police, federal and state agencies to conduct surveillance on key suspects.’

Read more: Man arrested for shooting down drone in his private airspace for spying on his sunbathing daughter

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