Meet the ‘Moderates’ the U.S. Is Supporting in Syria: They’re Al-Qaeda

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‘Increasing evidence is coming in that the groups the U.S. is trying to install into power in Syria are actually contending groups of Sunni Islamic jihadists who seem to agree on only one thing: they want to replace the secular government of the Shiite Bashar al-Assad, who is supported by Russia and by Shiite Iran. They want to replace it with a Sunni Islamic government. Some of these groups have perpetrated terrorist attacks (some including beheadings) against Americans, and one such group is even al-Qaeda, the Sunni Islamic organization that, of course, perpetrated the 9/11, 2001, attacks and others.’

Read more: Meet the ‘Moderates’ the U.S. Is Supporting in Syria: They’re Al-Qaeda

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