Mobile phones ARE linked to cancer, study claims: Long-term use ‘is associated with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, headaches and skin irritation’

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‘Mobile phones pose a ‘very real risk’ to human health, a new study claims.

Radiation from wireless devices such as phones and tablets could be linked to a number of health risks, from cancer to diseases of the brain such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, the researchers state.

They claim this is because the radiation causes an ‘imbalance’ – or oxidative stress – in the body.
Oxidative stress is a damaging process thought to be closely linked to degenerative diseases.

The new study is a review of experimental data on the effects of radiofrequency radiation in living cells – basically how mobiles phones may damage a person’s DNA.’

Read more: Mobile phones ARE linked to cancer, study claims: Long-term use ‘is associated with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, headaches and skin irritation’

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