MPs to review UK’s £13m overseas ‘war on drugs’ linked to execution of non-violent offenders


‘Claims the execution of “innocent scapegoats” in Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia are funded by millions of British pounds funneled into counter-narcotics operations overseas have forced the UK government to reassess the human rights implications of its policy.

The chair of Britain’s Home Affairs Select Committee, Keith Vaz, announced plans to “look again” at the policy, after human rights group Reprieve raised concerns that Britain’s £13 million foreign “war on drugs” is potentially funding executions abroad.

Reprieve had previously attacked Britain’s backing of counter-narcotics operations in states that impose the death penalty for non-violent drugs offenses. The human rights group warned that such action is driving up the number of death sentences in these countries.’

Read more: MPs to review UK’s £13m overseas ‘war on drugs’ linked to execution of non-violent offenders

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