New Glasses Will Trick Facial Recognition Technology And Protect Your Identity


‘Researchers have recently developed a visor that can actually block facial recognition technology. The new glasses called “Privacy Visor,” can trick facial recognition technology, and prevent cameras from tracing your identity.

The development took place at Japan’s National Institute of Informatics where researchers placed infrared LED’s inside of glasses so they would trick facial recognition cameras.

“The Privacy Visor is the world’s first product with this technology. We are often told not to unveil our personal information to others, but our faces are also a type of an ID. There should be a way to protect that,” Professor Isao Echizen, one of the lead researchers told The Wall Street Journal.’

Read more: New Glasses Will Trick Facial Recognition Technology And Protect Your Identity

The post New Glasses Will Trick Facial Recognition Technology And Protect Your Identity appeared first on David Icke.

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