Osama bin Laden’s sister and stepmother feared dead in Hampshire plane crash


‘The sister and stepmother of the former al Qaeda leader and 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden were among members of his family killed when a business jet ploughed into a car auction centre in Hampshire.

Several members of the bin Laden family died after the private plane crashed into a car auction while trying to land at an airport in Hampshire.

According to reports in the Arab media the dead included bin Laden’s stepmother Rajaa Hashim and sister Sana, who worked in an orphanage in Saudi Arabia. Osama’s brother-in-law, Sana’s husband, Zuhair Hashim, is also believed to be among the dead. The pilot, who was reported to be Jordanian, was also killed.’

Read more: Osama bin Laden’s sister and stepmother feared dead in Hampshire plane crash

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