Police Threaten Journalists, Targeted, Abused and Arrested in Ferguson for ‘Doing Their Job’


‘Last August after protests followed Michael Brown’s murder, 19 journalists were arrested, according to the Freedom of the Press Foundation. Others were harassed, threatened, tear gassed, pepper sprayed and abused by other brutal police tactics.

Authorities wanted journalists confined to a restricted area away from protests – to prevent their reporting on police brutality. Homeland Security operatives were involved. In a news conference, Obama lied saying:

Let me be clear that our constitutional rights to speak freely, to assemble, and to report in the press must be vigilantly safeguarded, especially in moments like these.

He prosecuted more whistleblowers of government wrongdoing than all his predecessors combined. He targets journalists for doing their job.’

Read more: Police Threaten Journalists, Targeted, Abused and Arrested in Ferguson for ‘Doing Their Job’

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