Russia Calls Out Obama For His Killer War Drive, Military and Economic

There is growing recognition in certain international policy-making circles, of a strategic point long-emphasized by Lyndon LaRouche: That economic crises are the driver for war—including the current trans-Atlantic financial disintegration and the immediate danger of thermonuclear war—and its inverse, that true science-driven global economic development is a stake-in-the-heart to the British Empire. Former DIA head Gen. Michael Flynn, for example, stressed in his Aug. 4 interview with Al Jazeera TV that nuclear-based economic development in areas such as the Middle East is the key to stopping war. “Tactics,” he said, will not do the job.
Yesterday, Russian Duma speaker Sergey Naryshkin, who is known to be close to President Vladimir Putin, published an article in Rossiiskaya Gazeta headlined “August of Provocations,” in which he warned of the likelihood of deadly provocations against Russia by Obama’s United States in the weeks ahead, and emphasized that what was behind the war drive was the looting of nations in order to prop up a gigantic debt bubble. Naryshkin noted that

“August has only just begun. However its first events tellingly give a sense of a deeply political autumn. Judging by everything, some act of aggravation is being prepared… I am confident that we will not yield to such provocations.”

Lyndon LaRouche emphasized today that the economic and military warfare being carried out by President Obama at the British Empire’s behest, are one and the same thing. “Obama is driving for war. He is doing so on orders from the British Empire. Their policy is drastic population reduction, the greatest genocide imaginable, and that is Obama’s mission.” The British Royal family has also lined up the Pope behind their policy of “greenie” depopulation.
LaRouche pointed to the California so-called water crisis as part of the same intentional policy: depriving most of the planet of the technology and resources required to survive. Now we are seeing that spread throughout Central America and the Caribbean, as well. “The genocide is hitting South America,” LaRouche stated, with the intention of reducing the population. “This is bloody, this is nasty.”
Returning to Russia, LaRouche stressed that the reason that country is running into trouble with its civilian economy is not because of Obama’s sanctions, but because they have been forced to engage in a massive increase in military expenditures. “Nothing will override the urgency of war” for the Russian government, LaRouche said, and so they are enduring tremendous pressure on their civilian economy.
“We are facing an enemy committed to genocide on a mass scale, an enemy whose intention is the savage reduction of the human population,” LaRouche concluded. Our campaign to stop that enemy, including their tool currently in the White House, requires establishing a new form of government in the U.S.—not so much an individual candidate or a President, but rather the institution of the Presidency, returned to its original Constitutional purpose of economic development.
And that makes a change of linen at the White House, the first order of business.

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