Space age Tower of Babel: Canadian company patents 20km lift to heavens


‘A towering structure rising 20 kilometers into the air with its top in the sky may sound like something out of an Old Testament passage or science fiction novel, but a Canadian space company has proposed just that to cut the costs of space exploration.

Last month Thoth Technology was granted a United States patent for a “space elevator,” which would be more than 20 times taller than the 829-metre-high Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the tallest building in the world. That is also beyond the so-called “Armstrong limit” – a point at an altitude of 19 kilometers where body fluids start to boil off due to low air pressure.

“The space elevator tower has a segmented elevator core structure, each segment being formed of at least one pneumatically pressurized cell. The pressure cells may be filled with air or another gas,” the patent states.’

Read more: Space age Tower of Babel: Canadian company patents 20km lift to heavens

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