‘The Banksters Did It’: The Central Banks Have Engineered This Financial Collapse


‘Good news, everybody! The markets are rebounding! Yes, we just a hit a minor bump in the road there, but don’t worry, everything is back to normal now. Let’s forget about the tail end of last week and this week’s Black Monday, shall we? Pay no mind to the uncomfortable low lights of the global stock rout:

The staggering $5 trillion wipeout of funny money paper promise “wealth” since the yuan deflation began ($2.7 trillion on Monday alone).
The all-time record spike on the volatility index (aka the “Fear Index”).
The 1000 point Dow plunge off the opening bell on Monday morning.
The halting of every major US index during the market mayhem.
The 4500 mini crash events that forced indices worldwide to halt and unhalt at a dizzying pace.
The amazing magic levitating act courtesy of our friends at the Plunge Protection Team that brought about the largest intraday point swing in Dow history.’

Read more: ‘The Banksters Did It’: The Central Banks Have Engineered This Financial Collapse

The post ‘The Banksters Did It’: The Central Banks Have Engineered This Financial Collapse appeared first on David Icke.

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