The top reasons to avoid MSG: An industry secret ingredient for food addiction


‘Most people have seen signs in Chinese and other restaurants proclaiming that their food is “MSG free” or a note on the menu letting diners know that is it possible to have their food prepared without monosodium glutamate.

One of the big reasons that consumers became aware of this artificial ingredient that is widespread in the food industry is that there have been cases of people having severe – and sometimes even fatal – allergic reactions to it. Once a few horror story of diners going into anaphylactic shock in the middle of the meal reached the media, the public in general became much more aware of the potential threat that MSG can pose.

However, as serious as the possibility for a reaction is, it is not the only danger of MSG. Read on to find out more about its role in food addiction and why the food industry continues to use it.’

Read more: The top reasons to avoid MSG: An industry secret ingredient for food addiction

The post The top reasons to avoid MSG: An industry secret ingredient for food addiction appeared first on David Icke.

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