Turkey’s War On The Kurds, ISIS Air Force Flies Again

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‘Shortly before calling a NATO meeting under the pretense of concerns over its security, Turkey launched a bombing campaign across the border into Syria allegedly against the ISIS forces that it has supported, trained, and facilitated since the beginning of the Syrian crisis.

Very soon after the bombing campaign was launched there came the announcement that Turkey and the United States had agreed to implement an “ISIL Free Zone” otherwise known as a “No Fly Zone” in northern Syria.

Prior to the formal announcement of the “ISIL-Free/No-Fly Zone,” it was known that Turkey had launched a simultaneous attack on Kurdish targets in Iraq. After the announcement, these attacks on Kurdish targets intensified to greatly overshadow anything purporting to be an attack on ISIS.

Thus, as Turkey whines about the threat ISIS poses to its security, fresh on the heels of a dubious ISIS bombing of a political demonstration, Turkey has demonstrated that the real targets of its bombing campaign is not ISIS at all, it is the Kurds.’

Read more: Turkey’s War On The Kurds, ISIS Air Force Flies Again

The post Turkey’s War On The Kurds, ISIS Air Force Flies Again appeared first on David Icke.

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