Under the Influence of British Intentions, Nuclear War is getting closer

President Obama’s move to trigger war with Russia and/or China is getting closer, and the way to prevent it is to remove him. He has been making global war “step by step,” a “war by war” escalation since the 2011 turning point of the assassination of Qaddafi and unleashing of terrorist chaos from Libya.

During the weekend the White House escalated its announcement of a week ago, that Obama might order U.S. military forces to attack any force which bothered Syrian rebels who have been trained by the United States. Now it has expanded this to any U.S. military “asset,” anywhere in the world the United States is conducting military training, and that clearly would include Ukraine.

Obama takes each step, each escalation, each new war, without the slightest nod to the Congressional representatives of the American people. And now Congress is in recess for the next month, with the Guns of August threatening.

War is not a certainty, but it cannot be prevented if people deny the possibility of global war simply because they do not want to, or fear, having to do something themselves to stop it. Obama’s intentions are increasingly recognized by people in leading positions around the world. Large numbers should sign the petition being circulated by the Schiller Institute for the past 10 days, which calls for Obama’s removal from office — the one best shot for preventing nuclear war.

It is critical to realize what EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche reiterated Aug. 10 to the LaRouche PAC Policy Committee: With Obama, “We are under the influence of the British Empire’s leading, long-standing intention. That intention is to reduce the human population drastically.” The British royal family and its councils and advisors are prepared even to wipe out the majority of the world’s population, and they have said so. “The thermonuclear war threat is there,” LaRouche said, “because Obama is essentially an agent of that British imperial intention.”

Stopping this threatened global war requires optimism, the kind represented by the future-oriented science and development thrust of the BRICS-allied nations. One of the leading U.S. military opponents of Obama’s war policies — Gen. Michael Flynn, fired by Obama as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2013 for that reason — has now exposed the British-White House-Saudi intention from 2012, to create an “Islamic Caliphate” like ISIS in Iraq and Syria. But in his internationally circulated interview, General Flynn does more — he insists that region-wide economic development centered around nuclear power is the one thing that gives any chance for the return of peace in the Mideast; everything else is “just tactics.”

This aspect of leading U.S. military officers’ opposition to Obama’s wars is a reason for optimism. But the President has to be removed from office, as we removed a President in 1974 to prevent disaster. We have to do it again.

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