US Stock Markets Finally Bounce After Biggest Crash Since 2008

After six straight days of declines in the US stock markets, wiping out nearly 2,000 points off the Dow, the US markets were finally able to rally today, with the Dow closing up 619 points.  What does this mean?  One thing to take note of is that the volume today was lower than the last three major down days… in other words, it wasn’t a rally with a lot of conviction.

Dow Rebounds Dollar Vigilante

From a technical perspective it would take a strong, concerted move to about 17,000 on the Dow to make a dent in current bearish sentiment.  And, of course, there would have to be a move back above 18,000 to cement the idea that the “good times” had returned.

Lacking these sorts of numbers, we would suggest that the market will continue to be whipsawed and that volatility will continue. Being of the cynical persuasion, we would suggest the war between the establishment bulls and perma-bears has been joined in earnest as we head into the fourth quarter of 2015.

In the establishment’s corner are the Plunge Protection  Team, the Federal Reserve and other facilities that can manipulate the market legally and with impunity. On the other side are the masses of normal investors who aren’t necessarily fans of this sort of manipulation and would rather that a handful of individuals didn’t exercise so much power over the averages.

But they do. And as we head into September, it will be necessary to divine not just the psychology of the market but the mood of our controllers – which brings us to Shemitah. We will  have to make up our minds individually and collectively as to whether the Shemitah trends – the ones that we have catalogued in our viral video, Shemitah Exposed, and in our White Paper and upcoming book by the same name – persist or if there has been a change of heart.

It is perfectly possible that plans have changed. Perhaps the manipulators intended to run the markets down hard but after all the exposure by yours truly and others, this plan has proven unfeasible.

Maybe, as we’ve suggested, Shemitah came early. The downward movement of the market that we warned against back in July has taken place and the next leg could actually be up, even up hard if Janet Yellen pulls out QE4 from her bag of dirty tricks.

Of course, there are certain observable factors that continue. And it would be my inclination to believe that what roiled the markets in August may continue in September and even October.

There is for instance the continued free-fall of the Chinese market. And the extreme drops in oil and commodities continue to shout “economic pullback.” Today, US Treasury Bonds took their biggest two day hit since October 2011.

US Treasuries Fall

When one gets to this point marketwise, everything is connected. Like dominos, the whole rickety structure begins to tumble. It appears, for instance, that one of the main reasons for Treasury turmoil is that China has sold more US Treasuries in the last two weeks ($106 billion) than it had sold in the entire first half of the year (approximately $100 billion).

Yes, everything is connected…

In July we told readers to expect major market dislocations to occur – and in fact they came with a vengeance as everyone knows now. The next decision we must make is whether these dislocations constitute the “new normal.”

Has the calamity we predicted run its course in the short term?  Or is there still much, much more to come – making September into a most “interesting” month.  In the long term the die is already cast and a complete collapse of the financial and monetary systems is baked in the cake.

In our most recent issue of The Dollar Vigilante newsletter (which went out today after being delayed by two days due to massive, targeted attacks on our servers – apologies to subscribers for the delay) we asked this very question of what happens next and all we can truly say, at this point, is “expect the unexpected.”

We’ll continue to use historical patterns – like Shemitah – to cast light on present events. The seven year bull market since the last collapse in 2008 appears to not only be ending… but appears to be following a very, very similar path to the last collapse in 2008. Over the weekend we highlighted the three year period from 2005-2008 to the current three year period from 2012-2015 in the Dow and the similarities are noticeable (note: does not include the crash of Monday and Tuesday).

Dow 2008 versus 2015 - Dollar Vigilante Shemitah 2

At the end of August, in 2008, the Dow had already fallen from above 13,000 to around 11,000 (a 2,000 point drop, just as what has just happened).  Then, the market continued to fall, with the biggest point drop to that date in history occurring on the final day of the Shemitah on September 29th, 2008 and the market continued to drop nearly 50% from that point until January, 2009.

Which impells the question, will that pattern remain the same?

We are not loath to take credit as necessary. We exposed the economic and sociopolitical aspects of the Shemitah cycle to millions of people worldwide (see our video Shemitah Exposed here) over the past month. We didn’t take a religous perspective but a practical and investment approach. And that has made all the difference. It’s the reason our video is well over one million views now and going higher.

Wev’e thoroughly exposed the Shemitah phenonomen and we wonder, in turn, if our exposure will influence the plans of central banksters and their allies.

It is a time to be on-your-toes and prepared for anything – from an expansion of the military “drill” of Jade Helm into something more sinister to the the idea that Barack Obama may end up being the last president.  For that reason we are just about to release our book, Shemitah Exposed (free to subscribers) and just released our latest newsletter, a total of 47 pages of information, analysis, speculations and solutions to weather the next few months and years.

On top of that we will be releasing our follow-up video to Shemitah Exposed on September 1st. We’ve been deluged with requests to make another video and frankly we owe it the massive audience that has bombarded us with the emails and the thousands of new subscribers we’ve picked up for our TDV newsletter.

This is not the time to take your eye off the ball. Much is in play including a possible currency war (and even the subterfuge of a physical war). The all-too-phony tensions between East and West (RussiaChina vs. USNato)  are racheting up along with the duplicitous rhetoric.

Expect everything to change in the coming months if not economically then socio-politically. But don’t expect to hear about it on CNN or CNBC.  This revolution will not be televised.

But you can read about it here at TDV. We warned about August’s stock retreat and we brought history’s cyclical Shemitah behaviors to the attention of millions. We even provided subscribers with an options play that had a return in the thousands of percent and even one verified subscriber is a “new millionaire” from it.

If you’re not a TDV newsletter subscriber, I’d suggest you take advantage of our special $39.00 subscription offer that gets you upcoming issues and real-time analysis that you’ll certainly need in this critical time period. You’ll have access to all of our valuable special reports, back issues of the newsletter and upcoming books as soon as they’re published.

We’re flattered by all the positive attention we’ve received following our market call and the exposure of Shemitah and its September 15th end-day. But there is much more to be done. Hopefully, you’ll accompany us on this voyage, one that can prove either lucrative or ruinous depending on the information you have and the actions you take.

Originally Appeared At The Dollar Vigilante

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